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Fashion Photographer Willy Vanderperre Clicks to the Core

13 June 2024

Theres a good chance youve seen a photo by Belgian fashion photographer Willy Vanderperre at some point. He has shot campaigns for fashion houses like Dior and Prada, and his editorials have appeared in magazines such as Dust, i-D and Vogue. Its no surprise that he has the honour of being t

Ilke Cop Paints So She Can Start Afresh Again and Again

7 May 2024

For Ilke Cop the role of an artist in a crumbling world is to create something from nothing. For a long time, the white canvas scared her, but now she sees all the potential at the point of beginning. Its also the moment when she feels most aligned with herself. When I paint, theres no long

Fran Van Coppenolle’s Colourful Sculptures Lift You Up

2 October 2023

Bathrobes, fleece blankets, plastic bottle tops, and wooden or steel beams: theres potential in almost everything Fran Van Coppenolle finds. She makes multicoloured, seemingly weightless sculptures with them, that often float in space. I do everything I can to take away the gloom.

Intimacy Set Free: Bertien van Manen at the Antwerp Photo Museum

6 July 2022

With a 35mm camera in hand, Dutch photographer Bertien van Manen has been travelling since the 1970s to capture the changing world at the human level. From the Appalachians to China, from the kitchen to the bedroom. The retrospective Wish I Were Here in the Antwerp Photo Museum shows an eventful and

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