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What We Could Do With Controversial Statues

10 October 2023

To keep, to remove, or to tuck away in a museum? In his book on statues in the public space, ex-curator Ton Quik does not shy away from difficult questions. But he remains nuanced: statues deemed dubious can remain standing, but preferably after a transformation by artistic intervention.

A Literary Triumph: ‘The Ascent’ by Stefan Hertmans

7 March 2023

In his novel about a Flemish Nazi collaborator, bestselling author Stefan Hertmans, famous for War and Turpentine, reveals the ability to empathise with vastly differing characters. The Ascent presents a sharp image of life under German occupation, which Hertmans links perceptively to the personal h

Frogs and Cheeseheads. The Image of the Dutch in Foreign Cartoons

26 September 2022

The United Netherlands? May as well call it the United Swamps. And its inhabitants? Frogs and cheeseheads. Thats also the name of an enlightening book full of foreign cartoons from the 17th to the mid-19th centuries, that shows how the Netherlands hasnt always had a very positive international

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