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O Rhetoricians, Where Are Thou?*

3 October 2024

A good six centuries after it manifested itself in Flanders and the Netherlands, the rhetorical tradition there seems to be enjoying a modest revival. Journalist Michiel Leen spent a few evenings in the good and fine company of language and literature lovers who, in the era of podcast and poetry sla

Hospitality, to an Extent. Refugees in the Netherlands

27 October 2022

At the beginning of the First World War, one million Belgians fled to the Netherlands. About one hundred thousand remained there throughout the war, most of them in large camps. The Netherlands showed itself to be hospitable, but there was much to be said about the conditions in the refugee camps. W

Hubert Van Innis, the Real William Tell

5 July 2021

As of today, Belgium has won a total of 39 Olympic Medals. Nine of them were accounted for by one man: archer Hubert Van Innis (1866-1961). No other Belgian sportsperson has won more medals. There are still a lot of wild stories circulating about the flamboyant Van Innis. So many, in fact, that his

Antwerp Wants to Honour Its Olympic Past

1 July 2021

One hundred years after the Olympic Games in Antwerp, there are at first sight few tangible traces of the Olympiad of 1920 remaining in the city. An interactive walking route through the Olympic neighbourhood of the Kiel and a tour of the famous ring logo at several Olympic venues should change that

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