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Famines Are Part of Our Living Past

25 May 2022

The impending famine caused by the war in Ukraine recalls previous famines: in Ireland, in Ukraine itself, but also in the Low Countries. Famines are part of our living and shared European past, writes Dutch historian Lotte Jensen. They are still interwoven into all facets of society.

Benefit Campaigns for Ukraine Fit Into a Historical Tradition

9 May 2022

Charity has a long tradition in the Netherlands and as a researcher one is quickly amazed by the enormous sums of money that were raised in the past, writes historian Lotte Jensen. The actions for Ukraine show many parallels to past events.

Cherish Language Skills and Multilingualism

15 December 2021

The new year is approaching and, once again, it is time for the end-of-year lists. Using one of her favourite books of 2021, Lotte Jensen explains the importance of having a broad knowledge of languages and the essential role of translators and foreign language education.

How the Struggle Against Water Shaped Dutch Identity

17 November 2021

The St Elisabeth Flood, which washed over Zuid-Holland six hundred years ago this month, is one of the most severe inundations ever to affect the Netherlands. In the lively memory culture surrounding that fateful event national pride and a sense of vulnerability go hand in hand. The cultural depicti

Nature Doesn’t Cause Disasters, People Do

7 September 2021

In her monthly column, cultural historian Lotte Jensen looks at current events through the lens of history. In the first episode, she recounts how she has seen the consequences of climate change with her own eyes. But what causes natural disasters? History leaves us in no doubt.

Dear Government, Please Make Use Of Historical Knowledge to Defeat the Pandemic

8 April 2021

Those trying to solve the current coronavirus pandemic cannot do so with a purely biomedical and technical strategy. Four Dutch historians make the case for a multidisciplinary approach, taking into account the social, cultural, economic and psychological dimensions of society. History serves as a t

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