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  • Articles (1)

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  • friday verses (1)
  • poetry (1)
  • Yannick Dangre (1)

Poetry That Wants to Live

24 August 2021

One hundred years ago, the Flemish expressionist poet Paul van Ostaijen wrote his masterpiece Bezette Stad (Occupied City). What does this old poetry collection still have to say to us in 2021? Dutch poet Iduna Paalman finds in the occupied city of Van Ostaijen the blueprint for the infected city of

Iduna Paalman: Keep Sterile, Do Not Prick

9 July 2020

This week's Friday Verses are written by Iduna Paalman. We translated Steriel houden, niet prikken (Keep Sterile, Do Not Prick). This poem was first published in Dutch in Het Liegend Konijn, a magazine for contemporary Dutch-language poetry.

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