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Farewell to the Quintessential Editor: Frits Niessen (1936-2020)

27 October 2020

It is with deep regret and profound sadness that we inform you that Ons Erfdeel vzw former deputy editor-in-chief, Frits Niessen, has passed away. He was associated with the organisation for almost sixty years. Niessen was fully committed, tenacious, always focused on the bigger cause and completely

Ons Erfdeel vzw Announces Hendrik Tratsaert as Its New Director

7 September 2020

On 1 January 2021, Hendrik Tratsaert will succeed Luc Devoldere as editor-in-chief and managing director of Flemish-Dutch cultural institution Ons Erfdeel vzw.

Attractive Articles and a Functional Website. Your Opinion on the Low Countries

8 July 2020

High-quality content and a user-friendly website, but more articles about language and history. These are some of the conclusions we can draw from the survey we presented to you about our website.

What Do You Think of This Website? Fill out Our Survey

28 May 2020

The website of the low countries has been online for over a year now. Time to ask for your opinion. We would like to gain more insight into the quality and user-friendliness of our website and are therefore looking for enthusiastic readers who would like to fill out our short survey. These are simpl

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