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Imagination With Jet Black Edges. ‘My Heavenly Favourite’ by Lucas Rijneveld

14 May 2024

Every character navigates between conflicting desires in Lucas Rijneveld's second novel. The Vet wants to heal, but knows he is breaking. The Favourite wants to be seen and to disappear, she is a girl and a boy, she plays in the twilight zone between childhood and adolescence. It all makes My

Marieke Lucas Rijneveld Wins International Booker Prize for The Discomfort of Evening

2 April 2020

The 29-year-old Dutch author Marieke Lucas Rijneveld is awarded the International Booker Prize for their translated debut novel, The Discomfort of Evening. Rijneveld, who identifies as non-binary and uses the pronouns they/them, takes home £50,000, which will be split equally with their translator,

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