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Bendt Eyckermans’ Sculpted Paintings

5 March 2020

Despite being so young, Bendt Eyckermans (b. 1994) already has a number of solo exhibitions to his name and his work is sought after by collectors all over the world. Yet the painter from Antwerp remains humble. Eyckermans understands that he still has a lot to learn. I think its important for

Enter At Your Own Risk: The Houses of Jonas Vansteenkiste

28 November 2019

In Jonas Vansteenkistes (b. 1984, Kortrijk) visual artworks, architecture plays a significant role. He uses sculpture, photography, drawing, installation or video to construct spaces or create situations that are best described as mental environments. He invites the audience to enter.

Kasper Bosmans: ‘Each of My Artworks is Like an Onion’

27 September 2019

Kasper Bosmans career (b. 1990, Lommel) is soaring, and the international art scene has taken notice. Blessed with a fresh perspective, this young Brussels-based artist looks into various art-historical motifs, elements taken from heraldry which he considers folkloric witticisms , and diff

On the Crossroads of Physics and Art: Isabel Fredeus’ Sensory Work

21 May 2019

Hailing from Antwerp, Isabel Fredeus (b. 1991), has only been around as an artist for a few years. Nevertheless, she has won a number of important prizes. Fredeus work includes sculptures, videos and interventions, preferably in elastic manipulable materials. In her work, natural processes and th

The Haunting Universe of Shadow Painter Klaus Verscheure

18 March 2019

For years, Klaus Verscheure (b. 1968, Kortrijk) has worked as a director on many well-known Flemish television series. Lately, however, he has been making a name for himself as a visual artist, and his work has been shown in both New York and Los Angeles. His first book was recently published, entit

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