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  • Jews (12)
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Our Top Society Stories of the Year

19 December 2023

Join us in bidding goodbye to 2023 with some of the most surprising stories we have published this year on societal matters in Flanders and the Netherlands. They are worth reading again. Sit down by the fireplace. Relax with a glass of wine and enjoy the stories.

From Clara to Bokito: The Wilderness in Our Zoos

30 June 2023

Every year, Dutch and Belgian zoos bring nearly fifteen million visitors face to face with exotic animals. Our fascination for and exploitation of wild animals has a long history that reveals major social changes: from prestige projects for medieval monarchs to experiences for the general public. Ra

Revulsion and Fascination: Hybrid Creatures in Visual Art

27 June 2023

From medieval sin to modern climate catastrophe: in art, hybrids of humans, animals and objects confront the reader with the inconceivable.

How Animals Assumed Greater Importance

31 May 2023

Our bond with animals goes back to the earliest human memory. But despite rapidly losing touch with nature, we have also come to cherish animals in recent decades. That doesnt come without legal, political and social consequences. We must promptly do away with the idea that humans are superior

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