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Video Poem: Global Underground by Annemarie Estor

21 October 2019

Ons Erfdeel vzw and Poëziecentrum vzw asked nine youngsters from the Low Countries to create poetic films based on their favourite Dutch-language poem. Bob van den Berg (b. 1991, Ede) made a film after the poem Global Underground by Annemarie Estor, from the anthology Niemandslandnacht, published b

Video Poem: I Love Icarus by Tjitske Jansen

15 October 2019

Ons Erfdeel vzw and Poëziecentrum vzw asked nine youngsters from the Low Countries to create poetic films based on their favourite Dutch-language poem. Justine Cappelle (b. 1995, Roeselare) made a film after the poem Ik hou van Icarus (I love Icarus) by Tjitske Jansen, from the anthology Het moest

Video Poem: Lost by Bart Moeyaert

4 October 2019

Ons Erfdeel vzw and Poëziecentrum vzw asked nine youngsters from the Low Countries to create poetic films based on their favourite Dutch-language poem. Reinier Kroese (b. 1992, Nijmegen) made a film after the poem Kwijt (Lost) by Bart Moeyaert, from the anthology Verzamel de liefde, published by Qu

Video Poem: On Mrs P.’s Municipal Coffin by Menno Wigman

30 September 2019

Ons Erfdeel vzw and Poëziecentrum vzw asked nine youngsters from the Low Countries to create poetic films based on their favourite Dutch-language poem. Kobe Fleerackers (b. 1993, Antwerp) made a film after the poem Bij de gemeentekist van mevrouw P. (On Mrs P.s Municipal Coffin) by Menno Wigman,

Come See our Video Poems in Ostend and Utrecht

4 September 2019

Imagine what it would be like if a poem by Bart Moeyaert or Lieke Marsman came to life, and their words became a series of moving images? No need to use your imagination any longer, for Bewogen Verzen (Moving Verses) will show you exactly what can happen through the magic of videography. For the pro

‘Bewogen Verzen’ Kicked Off in Amsterdam

23 April 2019

This Easter weekend our video poetry project Bewogen Verzen (Moved Verses) kicked off in De Brakke Grond in Amsterdam. During an inspirational session, young video makers from Flanders and the Netherlands presented each other on how they will depict their favourite Dutch poem. Their video poems will

These Are the Young Video Makers for ‘Bewogen Verzen’

26 March 2019

A jury of experts has selected ten young video makers from Flanders and the Netherlands for 'Bewogen Verzen' (Moving Verses), the video poetry project of Ons Erfdeel vzw and Poëziecentrum. The successful candidates will visualize a poem that they have chosen.

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