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How the Bicycle Became a Family Car

14 December 2020

Scottish journalist Derek Blyth has a soft spot for cargo bikes. Not only can they solve urban congestion, during the coronavirus crisis, the bakfiets became a convenient way of shipping goods.

Headwind, Tailwind. How the Bicycle Became a Dutch Symbol

2 July 2020

What country do people associate the bicycle with? More or less everyone will spontaneously say the Netherlands. But the Dutch havent always been so mad about bikes. That close bond with cycling crept in quietly. A surprising look into the history of the bicycle land that is the Netherlands.

How the Dutch Got on Their Bikes

15 May 2020

Have you ever wondered why the Dutch are so bike crazy? British journalist Derek Blyth figured it out. Most people assume the sensible Dutch have always cycled. But the story is more complicated.

The Rediscovery of the Bicycle

3 June 2019

It once symbolised individual freedom, but nowadays its a source of growing collective frustration: king car has been toppled from his throne. Mobility policy in France, Belgium and the Netherlands is making way for the bicycle, with Groningen as a founding example.

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