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What We Could Do With Controversial Statues

10 October 2023

To keep, to remove, or to tuck away in a museum? In his book on statues in the public space, ex-curator Ton Quik does not shy away from difficult questions. But he remains nuanced: statues deemed dubious can remain standing, but preferably after a transformation by artistic intervention.

When Fighting Racism, Skin Colour Should Not Be an Issue

4 January 2021

In her fourth and final column concerning polarisation in society and distrust of the established order, Hind Fraihi reflects on the fight against racism as carried out by the Black Lives Matter movement. It is remarkable how a battle against superiority is conducted with a certain sense of super

Black Lives Matter Only Can Change History Through Concrete Regulations

23 June 2020

According to Hind Fraihi, it is tempting to compare the Black Lives Matter protests with the iconoclasm of 1566, and not just because there were all sorts of heroes balancing precariously on their pedestals. This crucial period in the history of the Netherlands was the start of a lengthy conflict th

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