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19 Dutch Books to Read By the Fireplace (Autumn-Winter 2024)

17 December 2024

Why not read a book by a Dutch or Flemish author to cosy up this cold and dark end-of-year period? Here you will find a selection of books that have recently been translated into English, most of them with support from the Dutch Foundation for Literature or Flanders Literature. You will find more tr

22 Dutch Books to Daydream in the Sun (Spring-Summer 2024)

16 May 2024

Why not read a book by a Dutch or Flemish author this spring and summer? Here you will find a selection of books that recently have been translated into English, most of them with support from the Dutch Foundation for Literature or Flanders Literature. You will find more translated literature in thi

English Books Are Popular With Dutch Speakers. So What?

26 May 2023

Is it a good thing that the Dutch and Flemish crack open a huge number of English books every year? At least theyre reading. Or will this trend spell disaster for Dutch publishers, authors and translators? For booksellers and publishers, things are not as bleak as they might seem. For authors and

12 Dutch Books to Be Full of the Joys of Spring (2023)

10 April 2023

Why not read a book by a Dutch or Flemish author? Here you will find a selection of books that recently have been translated or will be translated soon into English, most of them with the support of the Dutch Foundation for Literature or Flanders Literature. Youll find more translated literature

13 Dutch Books to Get Cozy Warm This Winter (2022-2023)

27 January 2023

Why not read a book by a Dutch or Flemish author? Here you will find a selection of books that recently have been translated into English, most of them with the support of the Dutch Foundation for Literature or Flanders Literature. Youll find more translated literature in this database.

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