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Heisteeg is a Microcosm of Amsterdam

24 November 2021

With the solid citizens in one café, the radicals in the opposite bar and the confused tourists in between, Heisteeg in the centre of Amsterdam can be seen as a microcosm of the whole city.

Café Vlissinghe, Possibly the Oldest Pub in Belgium

11 October 2021

It is the oldest café in Bruges. Possibly the oldest in Belgium. Opened in the same year Thomas More visited Bruges, Café Vlissinghe has survived wars, revolutions, and hordes of British tourists. And now it has come back from the dead following a global pandemic.

Football Fans and a Farting Dog

3 June 2020

One of Amsterdams oldest brown cafés, De Engelbewaarder (The Guardian Angel), is located on the first floor of a canal house, reached up a steep flight of old stone steps. The wooden floors creak as you enter. A song by Tom Waits plays in the background. It feels like coming home.

In Praise of Old Flemish Cafés

5 March 2020

Old-fashioned pubs where locals gather to enjoy a drink. Flemings call them volkscafés (peoples cafés) or bruine kroegen (brown cafés). But these genuine cafés, so typical for Flanders, are a dying breed. Derek Blyth urges you to visit them, while you still have the chance. These cafés ar

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