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The Impact of COVID-19 on Dutch Artists Worldwide
11 May 2021
Last year, the international activities of Dutch artists and cultural organizations dropped by 72% due to the corona pandemic. Yet, thanks to creative online alternatives, they were able to reach a large audience, both at home and abroad.
Dear Government, Please Make Use Of Historical Knowledge to Defeat the Pandemic
8 April 2021
Those trying to solve the current coronavirus pandemic cannot do so with a purely biomedical and technical strategy. Four Dutch historians make the case for a multidisciplinary approach, taking into account the social, cultural, economic and psychological dimensions of society. History serves as a t
Belgium: A Vaccine Country
4 June 2020
The presence of large vaccine-producing companies, strong academic research and intensive cooperation have made Belgium a vaccine country.
Gates Foundation Finances Leuven University Research for Coronavirus Treatment
26 March 2020
In the search to find a cure for the Coronavirus, The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation has sent 15,000 medicinal molecules to Leuven University’s Rega Institute; this research cannot be carried out any faster or safer than there.