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Cultural Attaché Hanna Oosterbaan in Brussels: ‘We Challenged Ourselves to Go off the Beaten Track’

16 March 2020

The Cultural Attaché is a series of interviews by DutchCulture, the Dutch network and knowledge organisation for international cultural cooperation, with cultural attachés of the Netherlands. How do these attachés help Dutch art and culture? What were their expectations when they were posted abro

Cultural Attaché Nanna Stolze in Brazil: ‘Brazilians Continue to Share a Mutual Interest With the Dutch in Cultural Cooperation’

19 February 2020

The Cultural Attaché is a series of interviews by DutchCulture with cultural attachés of the Netherlands. How do these attachés help Dutch art and culture? What were their expectations when they were posted abroad, and what challenges have they faced? This edition: Nanna Stolze, deputy consul-gen

Cultural Attaché Beate Gerlings in Berlin: ‘Germany is a Candyland for Everyone Active in the Cultural Field’

10 January 2020

The Cultural Attaché is a series of interviews by DutchCulture, the Dutch network and knowledge organisation for international cultural cooperation, with cultural attachés of the Netherlands. How do these attachés help Dutch art and culture? What were their expectations when they were posted abro

Cultural Attaché Roel van de Ven in London: ‘Brexit is Causing Inconvenience and Affects Our Cultural Relations’

15 November 2019

The Cultural Attaché is a series of interviews by DutchCulture, the Dutch network and knowledge organisation for international cultural cooperation, with cultural attachés of the Netherlands. How do these attachés help Dutch art and culture? What were their expectations when they were posted abro

Cultural Attaché Friso Wijnen in Paris: ‘Keep the Protocols in Mind and They Will Work to Your Advantage’

2 October 2019

The Cultural Attaché is a series of interviews by DutchCulture, the Dutch network and knowledge organisation for international cultural cooperation, with cultural attachés of the Netherlands. How do these attachés help Dutch art and culture? What were their expectations when they were posted abro

Cultural Attaché Joost Taverne in New York: ‘The U.S. Is a Very Interesting Country in the Field of Art and Culture’

27 June 2019

The Cultural Attaché is a series of interviews by DutchCulture, the Dutch network and knowledge organisation for international cultural cooperation, with cultural attachés of the Netherlands. How do these attachés help Dutch art and culture? What were their expectations when they were posted abro

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