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‘De daden’ by Anne Schepers: On Engagement and Cynical Journalism
3 June 2024
In De daden (Deeds), Anne Schepers tells the story of an intern at a leading newspaper, who gradually finds herself caught between her activist inclinations, her cynical bosses, and the poor neighbourhood in which she grew up.
‘Treurwil’ by Rik Van Puymbroeck: Striking Passages From A Melancholy Life
25 January 2024
Flemish journalist Rik Van Puymbroeck has previously been honoured as a master storyteller by the Foundation for Narrative Journalism three times. That storytelling talent has now found its way into a literary debut: Treurwil (Weeping Will).
‘Iemand Anders’ by Nele Van Den Broeck: Self-Mockingly in Search of a New Existence
6 December 2023
In Iemand anders (Someone Else), the debut novel of Belgian singer and actress Nele Van den Broeck, the main character is forced into a different role overnight. This results in an at times very comic tale of a woman searching her way in life once more.
‘Avondmensen’ by Caroline van Keeken: Life on Pause
10 November 2023
In her debut novel Avondmensen (Evening People) Caroline van Keeken subtly sketches a portrait of an unhappy, dysfunctional family. Much remains unsaid, and this slowly drives them apart.
‘Rozeke’ by Guillaume Van Der Stighelen: The Eternal Battle Between Heart and Mind
3 July 2023
In Rozeke, we follow the ups and downs in the life of an Antwerp entrepreneur in the Belle Époque. In figurative language, Guillaume Van der Stighelen describes how his namesake climbs the social ladder, but struggles on a personal level with himself and those around him.
‘Omdat Ze Leven’ by Brecht de Backer: Quantum Theory Provides Grip in a Messy Existence
21 June 2023
How to live? It’s no mean feat, even less so as a single lesbian woman with a desire to have children, as Brecht De Backer’s philosophical debut novel reveals.
‘Een bepaalde dag in het leven van iedereen’ by Stijn Vranken: Cheerful World History
31 May 2023
Do you remember what you were doing on 14 February 1990? Not very likely. But author and screenwriter Stijn Vranken does remember, and it makes for an entertaining debut.
‘Nachtbloeiers’ by Ananda Serné: Searching for an Anchor
2 January 2023
In a society that suffers increasingly from insomnia, young Eliza is looking for something to hold on to. Charting Eliza’s search for sleep in her debut Nachtbloeiers (Night bloomers) writer and visual artist Ananda Serné gently shakes the reader awake.
‘Weerlicht’ by Jante Wortel: Wrestling With Obsessive Compulsions
9 December 2022
In her debut novel, Jante Wortel paints a stark portrait of a teenager whose family is held in the grip of her OCD.
‘Het begin en zijn oneindigheid’ by Corinne Heyrman: The Right to Be Vulnerable, to Be Different
26 October 2022
When her grandfather is admitted to a psychiatric ward, a young woman mulls her own past there. A gripping novel about mental fragility.
‘De bakvis’ by Nadia de Vries: Escaping Invisibility
6 September 2022
With De bakvis ('Thistle'), Nadia de Vries has written an angsty debut about a young woman afraid of remaining in the shadows.
‘Schaduwlicht’ by Petra Thijs: Ode to a Painter’s Model
16 August 2022
In Schaduwlicht (Shadow light), Petra Thijs grants us a glimpse behind the scenes in the art world, with the remarkable life story of Victorine Meurent, the life model for Edouard Manet’s Le déjeuner sur l'herbe.