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How Much Colour Can The Flemish Art World Tolerate?
1 February 2024
Superdiversity and interculturality have long ceased to be societal choices and become inevitable facts. Meanwhile, a particularly articulate generation has grown up with diverse, mainly North African, backgrounds. They are demanding their place and will no longer put up with others speaking on thei
Young Readers Need New Heroes
17 January 2023
The heroes of recent Dutch-language books for children and young adults act in groups, differ from the norm and are no longer all white. That’s a win, according to Professor Yra van Dijk and Lecturer Marie-José Klaver. However good the classic children’s books may be, for young readers they oft
Sam Plays Sports, Saskia Shops: Gender and Other Stereotypes in Textbooks for Newcomers
9 December 2021
Teaching material should exhibit diversity, according to policy organisations such as UNESCO. That includes textbooks for newcomers to Flanders and the Netherlands. What image of Dutch-speaking cultures do these textbooks convey? Have they evolved with social developments when it comes to gender and
The Decolonisation of Language Starts With Awareness
6 July 2021
Language is a representation of reality, which we use unconsciously. It thus reflects the prevailing relations in society, even if these are unjust. That is why it is necessary to decolonise language, writes scriptwriter and opinion former Raf Njotea. But because language is so elusive, imposed rule
How to Deal With a World That Is Becoming Increasingly Diverse and Colourful?
24 January 2020
Vooruit Arts Centre in Ghent wants to keep its finger on the pulse of a changing society and keep reinventing itself. But what course should it take exactly? How should it deal with a world that is becoming increasingly diverse and colourful? In order to find answers to these questions, various arti