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Reviving Dutch Studies: How North American Universities Are Reversing Declining Enrollments

7 January 2025

Across North America, Dutch Studies programs are navigating turbulent waters. From Berkeley to Toronto, declining enrollments and shifting societal interests have forced these programs to rethink their strategies. What will it take to secure their future? Experts sought answers during a roundtable d

Why We Will Never Agree About Dutch

21 March 2023

Dutch is a multicentric language, that is the consensus propagated by the Taalunie (Dutch Language Union) and others. We all speak Dutch, but some of us speak Belgian Dutch, others Netherlandic Dutch, and still others Surinamese Dutch. Linguist and Professor of Dutch Marc van Oostendorp exposes that

Dutch Studies in Saint Petersburg Stands on Sturdy Ground

7 October 2020

The number of students is modest, but Dutch Studies does stand on sturdy ground in Russia. Particularly at Saint Petersburg State University, where translation studies and interpreting are important subjects within the study of Dutch language and culture.

Dutch and Flemish Studies in Michigan: From 70 to 190 Students

17 August 2020

The Dutch department at the University of Michigan is celebrating its 50th anniversary. By linking the course to contemporary and relevant issues, Dutch and Flemish Studies is now more in demand than ever.

The Future of Dutch Language Studies in Indonesia is Secure

26 June 2020

Amidst the enormous linguistic diversity of Indonesia, the Dutch language has now all but vanished from the archipelago. However, Dutch remains an important language of education in the country. This is partly due to the merits of Dr Kees Groeneboer, who was affiliated with the University of Indones

The Dutch Language Is Deeply Rooted in Guyana

4 October 2019

When you hear talking about Guyana, you don't immediately think of Dutch. However, there are still numerous historical references to the Dutch language there. In addition, a Dutch language course also offers opportunities and perspectives for the inhabitants in the present time.

The Inspirational Approach of Dutch Studies in the United States

8 July 2019

The crisis the neerlandistiek is currently facing in the Netherlands raises the question of how the study of the Dutch language and literature is doing at universities outside of the Low Countries. Can the neerlandistiek extra muros offer strategies to cope with the dramatic reduction of enrollment

The State of Netherlandic Studies in Canada

18 June 2019

After the Second World War many Dutch and Flemish emigrated to Canada. In order to integrate quickly, they spoke less and less Dutch and more and more English. Still, the bond with their motherland hasn't been cut yet, thanks to the academic world. All over the country young people still study the D

A Triple First and More: the New English Translation of Multatuli’s Max Havelaar

21 May 2019

Max Havelaar, the classic novel by Multatuli about Dutch colonialism in Java, has a brand new English translation. Reinier Salverda, Honorary Professor of Dutch Language and Literature at University College London, reread what is perhaps the greatest Dutch novel of all and noticed many improvements.

Swallows and Floating Horses

25 March 2019

On Monday 11 March some forty people lovers of literature and translation, students, staff and friends of the UCL Dutch Department - gathered in the Haldane Room of University College London for an evening of Frisian culture around the great new bilingual anthology Swallows and Floating Horses.

How Will Dutch Studies Resolve the Impasse?

18 March 2019

Substantially declining student numbers, reduced social status, dropping budgets: Dutch studies (the study of the national language and its literature) has encountered heavy weather throughout the world, including Flanders and the Netherlands themselves. Sven Vitse, lecturer in modern Dutch Literatu

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