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The Cycle Roundabout in Eindhoven: A Masterpiece of Dutch Design

26 January 2022

When you think of Dutch design, you probably imagine a stylish chair, a modern apartment building, or maybe a cool flower vase. But its unlikely you are thinking about a traffic roundabout.

Wessel Verrijt’s Structures Are Always on the Road

15 April 2020

Like his (mobile) installations, Wessel Verrijt seems to be moving endlessly. The artist from Eindhoven is always in-between residencies, performances and exhibitions. Whenever he arrives somewhere, he immediately erects a new work on-site, often recycling discontinued pieces, manifesting in a refre

Alice Wong Weaves Together Information and Stories

10 September 2019

Alice Wong (b. 1989) calls herself a story designer. She grew up in Hong Kong but has lived and worked in the Netherlands for a number of years. Chinese culture still plays a big role in her work, but what she is really interested in is something much more abstract and penetrating: how reality is sh

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