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How a Blue-Collar Team Reached the Top. Feyenoord versus Sparta Rotterdam

5 December 2022

Even outside the Low Countries, just about every football fan is familiar with Feyenoord, the popular Rotterdam football club that was a finalist in the Conference League in May 2022. However, initially, it was not Feyenoord but Sparta Rotterdam that was the most successful club on the banks of the

‘Farmers’ versus ‘Snobs’. The Social Fault Lines Between Club Brugge and Cercle Brugge

30 November 2022

After a local match between Club Brugge (the blue-blacks or the Farmers) and Cercle Brugge (the green-blacks or the Snobs), a player from the winning team plants the flag with his own colours in the middle of the pitch at Jan Breydel Stadium, which has been the home of both t

Sibling Rivalry. Playing Football for the Honour of the Low Countries

17 November 2022

The eyes of Belgian football fans shine when they talk about a match in which the Red Devils defeated the Netherlands. The matches between the two national teams have more than once been played on a razors edge - or at least for the Belgians, the Dutch shrug their shoulders. This one-sided rivalr

Football Can Save the World (A Little Bit)

10 November 2022

Football is unquestionably big business, but many clubs and organisations also use their popularity to engage in community service projects. Many in the Low Countries might argue that this is just window dressing, but the truth is that its quite a bit more than that.

When the Red Devils Kicked For Gold

1 September 2020

On 2 September 1920, the Red Devils won their first and only trophy. During the Olympic football finals in Antwerp, the Belgian team beat Czechoslovakia 2-0. That win meant Belgium won both the title of Olympic ànd World Football Champion, ten years before the actual world championships were first

‘The Time Has Come for Fairer Pay for Female Athletes’

22 August 2019

Due to unrealistic expectations and prejudices, female athletes continue to earn a fraction of what their male counterparts make. Nowhere is the Gender Pay Gap as strongly present as in professional football and cycling. Time for a profound change, thinks Hind Fraihi. There are plenty of arguments f

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