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Humour in Flanders and the Netherlands. ‘We Have Grown Closer but Don’t Really Know Each Other’

3 October 2022

Is there such a thing as typical Dutch or Flemish humour? And if so, what are the differences and similarities? Does a Flemish audience react differently than a Dutch audience? And are there subjects that can be best avoided? We asked these questions to Katinka Polderman and Bert Kruismans. She is a

We Have Been Laughing at the News for Three Centuries

21 September 2022

Parodying messages that make fun of the news are a typical phenomenon of today's online culture but, in the Netherlands, people have been laughing at current events for more than three centuries. From the Haegse Mercury in 1697 to De Speld in 2022: how daring is Dutch satirical news?

Humour in 2022: Battleground and Minefield

13 September 2022

From catchy slogans at demonstrations to stand-up comedians biting wit and scorching one-liners in the political arena, humour is right there in the boxing ring of our society. So, there is much more to jokes and witticisms than just getting a laugh. But how does humour relate to power? And can t

Painfully Funny. Humour in the Films by Paul Verhoeven and Alex Van Warmerdam

7 September 2022

Paul Verhoeven and Alex van Warmerdam, the masters of Dutch cinema, use humour at the cutting edge. Their most recent films prove this: Benedetta and Nr. 10. Whereas Verhoeven often uses satire and hyperbole, Van Warmerdam is the king of absurdism and understatement.

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