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Young Readers Need New Heroes

17 January 2023

The heroes of recent Dutch-language books for children and young adults act in groups, differ from the norm and are no longer all white. Thats a win, according to Professor Yra van Dijk and Lecturer Marie-José Klaver. However good the classic childrens books may be, for young readers they oft

How Belgium Helped Shape the British Identity

12 August 2022

From Waterloo to the Westhoek, the Belgian soil is full of British corpses. Professor of English Literature and Culture Marysa Demoor has explored the very close links between the two nations; links that could even be considered decisive in the development of British identity. The relationship was n

The Decolonisation of Language Starts With Awareness

6 July 2021

Language is a representation of reality, which we use unconsciously. It thus reflects the prevailing relations in society, even if these are unjust. That is why it is necessary to decolonise language, writes scriptwriter and opinion former Raf Njotea. But because language is so elusive, imposed rule

What Do the Dutch Want to Maintain?

23 November 2020

Is there such a thing as a Dutch identity? And if so, what does it look like? Jan Renkema provides a clear analysis of the main characteristics in his pamphlet The DNA of the Netherlands. He does this in the form of a conversation between a curious foreigner and a Dutch expert on a fligh

A ‘Mental Passport’ of Dutchness

17 November 2020

Is there such a thing as a Dutch identity? And if so, what does it look like? Jan Renkema provides a clear analysis of the main characteristics in his pamphlet The DNA of the Netherlands. He does this in the form of a conversation between a curious foreigner and a Dutch expert on a fligh

Why Trade and Thrift Go Hand in Hand in the Netherlands

28 October 2020

Is there such a thing as a Dutch identity? And if so, what does it look like? Jan Renkema provides a clear analysis of the main characteristics in his pamphlet The DNA of the Netherlands. This week he explains why the Dutch have an entrepreneurial spirit.

Why the Dutch Often Have Difficulty With Authority

20 October 2020

Is there such a thing as a Dutch identity? And if so, what does it look like? Jan Renkema provides a clear analysis of the main characteristics in his pamphlet The DNA of the Netherlands. This week he explains why the Dutch love their independence and freedom.

Why the Dutch Leave Their Curtains Open

12 October 2020

Is there such a thing as a Dutch identity? And if so, what does it look like? Jan Renkema provides a clear analysis of the main characteristics in his pamphlet The DNA of the Netherlands. This week he explains why the Dutch have developed a strong sense of individuality and privacy.

Why the Dutch Like to Think They Are Tolerant

5 October 2020

Is there such a thing as a Dutch identity? And if so, what does it look like? Jan Renkema provides a clear analysis of the main characteristics in his pamphlet The DNA of the Netherlands. This week he explains why tolerance is a core principle of Dutch society. But it also has its downsi

Why Thoughts are Free in the Netherlands

28 September 2020

Is there such a thing as a Dutch identity? And if so, what does it look like? Jan Renkema provides a clear analysis of the main characteristics in his pamphlet The DNA of the Netherlands. This week he explains why the Dutch are well-known for their liberal thinking.

Why the Prime Minister of the Netherlands Rides a Bicycle

21 September 2020

Is there such a thing as a Dutch identity? And if so, what does it look like? Jan Renkema provides a clear analysis of the main characteristics in his pamphlet The DNA of the Netherlands. This week he explains why equality is a core principle in that flat country.

Why You Can Speak Your Mind in the Netherlands

9 September 2020

Is there such a thing as a Dutch identity? And if so, what does it look like? Jan Renkema provides a clear analysis of the main characteristics in his pamphlet The DNA of the Netherlands. This week he explains why togetherness is a core principle in that land lower than water.

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