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Jonathan Reeder’s Choice: Willem Elsschot and Mathijs Deen

10 January 2023

Every month, a translator of Dutch into English gives literary tips by answering two questions: which translated book by a Flemish or Dutch author should everyone read? And, which book absolutely deserves an English translation? To get publishers excited, an excerpt has already been translated. This

‘Crackling Skulls’ by Roger Van de Velde: Frescos From an Asylum

5 December 2022

Crackling Skulls (De knetterende schedels), the much-acclaimed collection of short stories by the legendary author Roger Van de Velde, has been published in English for the first time. Who was this 'maverick of Flemish literature' who repeatedly found himself in prisons and psychiatric institutions?

The Instructions of Prometheus. A Short Story by Roger Van de Velde

18 November 2021

Next year, the American publisher Snuggly Books will publish an English translation of De knetterende schedels (Crackling Skulls), the collection of short stories by the 'maverick of Flemish literature' Roger Van de Velde, known for his stories written while he was interred in psychiatric institutio

Tessa Leuwsha’s ‘Plantage Wildlust’ Translated into English

5 July 2021

In February and March of this year, students from two British Universities, UCL and the University of Sheffield, embarked on a collaborative project to translate an excerpt from Plantage Wildlust (Plantation Wildlust), the fourth and most recent novel of the Surinamese Dutch writer Tessa Leuwsha. Yo

My First Murder. A Short Story by Martin Michael Driessen

11 June 2020

Former opera and theater director Martin Michael Driessen (b. 1954) is an acclaimed writer. His novels Rivers and The Pelican were translated into English by Jonathan Reeder. The American-born Reeder, based in Amsterdam, also translated Driessen's story My First Murder from the collection of short s

Join Online Talks With Tommy Wieringa, Charlotte Van Den Broeck, Rodaan Al Galidi and Their Translators

7 May 2020

New Dutch Writing is teaming up with The National Centre for Writing in Norwich for a series of conversations between writers and their translators. We cant hop on the Eurostar right now but we can allow our minds to wander and meet the Dutch and Flemish authors and translators of some of the mos

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