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Cubes and Pyramids: Peculiar Architecture in the Low Countries

11 August 2022

In this podcast, we get out the drawing board, put on a hard hat and clamber up a scaffold of creative construction, so that we may cast our view on a few of the most striking, unique or just plain weird buildings that can be found in Belgium and the Netherlands. We also explore some of the schools

Demonic Goats, the Flying Dutchman and a Hand-Chopping Giant: Legends From the Low Countries

18 August 2021

Why do the Japanese love a dog from Flanders? Why do Americans admire a Dutch boy who stuck his finger in a dyke? Why are there so many swans in Bruges? Why were cats thrown off the belfry in Ypres? And why is 'The Flying Dutchman' a scary phenomenon? Find out in this episode about folk tales and le

Change the World? Captain Planet and the Dutch Inventors to the Rescue

18 May 2021

Throughout the centuries, the Low Countries have been the breeding ground for many world-changing inventions and scientific advancements. Inspired by animated environmentalist superheroes Captain Planet and the Planeteers, in this podcast, we are presenting Dutch inventors and their impressive disco

Gezellig! The Legacy of Dutch Around the Globe

9 February 2021

What is the origin of Dutch? Why does the language sound familiar on all continents? What do Yiddish, English and Russian have in common? What is the difference between Dutch spoken in Belgium and in the Netherlands? And why were cuddle-buddy and one-and-a-half-metre-society voted Dutch words of the

School Bags on Flagpoles and Other Special Customs

10 December 2020

Why do the Dutch hang school bags on flagpoles, place giant blow-up dolls on their front lawn and have clocks without numbers in their pubs? And why do the Flemings celebrate newborns by eating poop beans, close the curtains in their house and welcome friends by the backdoor? In this podcast,

Say Cheese! Culinary Traditions in The Low Countries

23 September 2020

When it comes to food, Flanders and the Netherlands are not two peas in a pod. What is the influence of religion on our cuisine? Why do Belgians love eating out at restaurants? Which recipes can be found in the oldest Dutch cookbook? Why did the Dutch ever eat tulip bulbs and now have a dish called

Happy Hour. The History of Beer and Brewing

29 June 2020

Why did the Dutch drink almost four times as much beer in the fifteenth century as they do today? Why would the Beer Drinking War be a better name for The Eighty Years' War? And why is the longest-standing beer in Belgium not as old as the brewers want us to believe? Pour a glass of your favourite b

Jan van Eyck: The Man and the Myth

21 April 2020

Jan van Eyck, one of the Low Countries' most famous artists, lived through an extraordinary period in history, between the 1390s and the 1440s. Although much about the early Netherlandish painters life is completely unknown, the details that do remain provide tantalising glimpses into an arti

Gear Up! The History of Cycling

20 February 2020

Why does the Netherlands have the highest number of bikes per capita in the world? Why were farmers angry with cyclists in the old days? Why was the bike a symbol of antifascist resistance? And why dont the Dutch wear helmets? Find out in this episode of The Low Countries Radio, our new podcast s

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