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  • jeroen olyslaegers (1)
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Imagination With Jet Black Edges. ‘My Heavenly Favourite’ by Lucas Rijneveld

14 May 2024

Every character navigates between conflicting desires in Lucas Rijneveld's second novel. The Vet wants to heal, but knows he is breaking. The Favourite wants to be seen and to disappear, she is a girl and a boy, she plays in the twilight zone between childhood and adolescence. It all makes My

Hester Velmans’ Choice: Lucas Rijneveld and Herman Franke

13 May 2024

Every month, a translator of Dutch into English gives literary tips by answering two questions: which translated book by a Flemish or Dutch author should everyone read? And, which book deserves an English translation? To get publishers excited, an excerpt has already been translated. Hester Velmans

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