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Bound, Freed, and Burdened: Mayken van Angola’s Journey to Liberation in Early Dutch America

16 December 2024

On 28 December 1662, Mayken van Angola, alongside Susanna and Lucretia, boldly petitioned for freedom in New Amsterdam. Their request was grantedbut with a condition: they must clean Director-General Petrus Stuyvesants house weekly. Maykens story, rooted in the realities of enslavement and

Our Top History Stories of the Year

12 December 2023

Join us in bidding goodbye to 2023 with some of the most surprising stories we have published this year about the history of Flanders and the Netherlands. They are worth reading again. Sit down by the fireplace. Relax with a glass of wine and enjoy the stories.

How Peter Stuyvesant Became an Anachronistic Symbol of Dutch-American Friendship

15 November 2023

The bonds that connect the American and Dutch peoples have been commemorated in various ways and at various levels. Dutch-American Friendship Day is a well-established annual event at the governmental level. In New York City, the historical memory of Petrus Stuyvesant has recently become controversi

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