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  • Bewogen Verzen (2)
  • Bruges (2)
  • poetry (2)
  • adornes (1)
  • Annemarie Peeters (1)

Dominique De Groen: Dreaming of the Sacrificial Lamb / Dream #1

11 June 2019

This week's Friday Verses are written by Dominique De Groen. We translated Dromen van het offerlam/Droom #1 (Dreaming of the Sacrificial Lamb/Dream #1). This poem was first published in Dutch in Het Liegend Konijn, a magazine for contemporary Dutch-language poetry.

Mattijs Deraedt: Brussels

3 May 2019

This week's Friday Verses are written by Mattijs Deraedt. We translated Brussel. The poem was first published in Dutch in Het Liegend Konijn, a magazine for contemporary Dutch-language poetry.

Moya De Feyter: On Closer Inspection

18 April 2019

This week's Friday Verses are written by Moya De Feyter. We translated Bij nader inzien (On Closer Inspection) from her upcoming book Massastrandingen. The poem was first published in Dutch in Het Liegend Konijn, a magazine for contemporary Dutch-language poetry.

Ingmar Heytze: For the Beloved Stranger

5 April 2019

This week's Friday Verses are written by Ingmar Heytze (b. 1970, Utrecht). We translated Voor de liefste onbekende (For the Beloved Stranger) from the volume Het ging over rozen (Podium, 2002).

These Are the Young Video Makers for ‘Bewogen Verzen’

26 March 2019

A jury of experts has selected ten young video makers from Flanders and the Netherlands for 'Bewogen Verzen' (Moving Verses), the video poetry project of Ons Erfdeel vzw and Poëziecentrum. The successful candidates will visualize a poem that they have chosen.

Tjitske Jansen: The Snow Queen

24 March 2019

This week's Friday Verses are written by Tjitske Jansen (b. 1971, Barneveld). We translated De sneeuwkoningin (The Snow Queen) from her debut Het moest maar eens gaan sneeuwen (Podium, 2003).

Tsead Bruinja: Burning House

24 March 2019

This week's Friday Verses are written by Tsead Bruinja (b. 1974, Rinsumageest), the new Poet Laureate of the Netherlands. We translated Baarnend hûs (Burning House) from the volume De geboorte van het zwarte paard (Cossee, 2008).

Ester Naomi Perquin: The Last Unknown Person

24 March 2019

This week's Friday Verses are written by Ester Naomi Perquin (b. 1980, Utrecht). We translated De laatste onbekende (The Last Unknown Person) from the volume Namens de ander (Van Oorschot, 2009).

Lieke Marsman: Big Bang

24 March 2019

This week's Friday Verses are written by Lieke Marsman (b. 1990, 's-Hertogenbosch). We translated Oerknal (Big Bang) from her debut Wat ik mijzelf graag voorhoud (Van Oorschot, 2010).

Reading the Streets of Flanders and the Netherlands

22 March 2019

From a wall in the smallest Flemish village to a bench in the largest Dutch city: poetry is visible everywhere in public space. But where it can be seen and by whom it is applied is not always clear. The website of the Dutch literary scholar Kila van der Starre changes this.

Hagar Peeters: ‘Shall I Walk with You Some of the Way?’

20 March 2019

This week's Friday Verses are written by Hagar Peeters (b. 1972, Amsterdam). We translated 'Shall I Walk with You Some of the Way?' ("Zal ik nog een eindje met je meelopen?") from the volume of selected poems City of Sandcastles (Shoestring Press, 2018).

Erwin Mortier: Letter Twenty-Eight (Hadewijch Variation)

20 March 2019

This week's Friday Verses are written by Erwin Mortier (b. 1965, Nevele). We translated Brief achtentwintig (Letter Twenty-Eight) from the volume Uit één vinger valt men niet (De Bezige Bij, 2005).

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