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Harvest of the University Press (autumn 2023)

7 November 2023

Universities all over the world publish academic monographs and scientific journals on the Low Countries that deserve wider attention. In this article, we present you with a selection of recent university press publications in English.

On the Barricades: Protest Movements in the Low Countries

23 August 2023

Rebellion, unrest and anti-authoritarianism are as much woven into the fabric of the Low Countries histories and cultures as dikes, dams, churches and cheese. In this podcast, we take a look at some of the major and minor protest movements that have occurred across Belgium and the Netherlands, wh

The Story of the First Belgian Revolution

19 March 2019

The United States of Belgium tells the story of the First Belgian Revolution before the creation of a language barrier between French and Dutch. The book gives new and comprehensive insights into the seminal events that shaped Belgian identity. In 1790, between the birth of America (1776) and the cr

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