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Boozers, Militiamen And Mischievous Looking Women: Frans Hals Brought Them All Masterfully To Life

24 April 2024

The Rijksmuseum is exhibiting around fifty of Frans Hals' best works. This selection puts a virtuoso craftsman in the spotlight. The seventeenth-century master could transform smears of paint into striking portraits like no other.

Zindzi Tillot: buzzbuzzbuzz

7 March 2024

Eighteen young Flemish and Dutch authors have taken inspiration from seventeenth-century artefacts from the Rijksmuseum. Looking at these objects, what eureka moments do they see? A silver-lidded ewer in lobed or auricular style, made by Adam van Vianen (I), inspired Zindzi Tillot to wri

Oumaima Belkhdar: message from the _____: come back girl

28 February 2024

Eighteen young Flemish and Dutch authors have taken inspiration from seventeenth-century artefacts from the Rijksmuseum. Looking at these objects, what eureka moments do they see? Oumaima Belkhdar wrote a text to accompany Dirck van Delens painting Interior of a Gothic Church. breathe life/ in

Merel van Slobbe: We have to accept that it will never be possible to see the sky in its original state

23 February 2024

Eighteen young Flemish and Dutch authors have taken inspiration from seventeenth-century artefacts from the Rijksmuseum. Looking at these objects, what eureka moments do they see? Merel van Slobbe wrote a poem in response to the painting Girl in a Large Hat, by Caesar Boëtius van Everdingen. you

Leonore Spee: Sleeping In State

19 February 2024

Eighteen young Flemish and Dutch authors have taken inspiration from seventeenth-century artefacts from the Rijksmuseum. Looking at these objects, what eureka moments do they see? Leonore Spee took her inspiration for a short story from the model of a life-size marble statue of William of Orange lyi

Ka(a)te Dejonckheere: D_N’T FA_L AP_RT, DO_’T BE C_NSPIC_OUS

29 January 2024

Eighteen young Flemish and Dutch authors have taken inspiration from seventeenth-century artefacts from the Rijksmuseum. Looking at these objects, what eureka moments do they see? Ka(a)te Dejonckheere wrote a poem about the shards of ceramic bowls and lids from the Dutch East India ship Witte Lee

Jalil Sultani: Dear Johannes

19 January 2024

Eighteen young Flemish and Dutch authors have taken inspiration from seventeenth-century artefacts from the Rijksmuseum. Looking at these objects, what eureka moments do they see? Jalil Sultani wrote a letter inspired by the book held by Johannes Wtenbogaert on Rembrandt van Rijns portrait of him

Gidi Pols: .Monaco Dining.

15 January 2024

Eighteen young Flemish and Dutch authors have taken inspiration from seventeenth-century artefacts from the Rijksmuseum. Looking at these objects, what eureka moments do they see? Gidi Pols wrote a poem inspired by the financial story behind Portrait of Rogier Le Witer, Antwerp Merchant by painter J

Francesca Birlogeanu: The Important Work

28 November 2023

Eighteen young Flemish and Dutch authors have taken inspiration from seventeenth-century artefacts from the Rijksmuseum. Looking at these objects, what eureka moments do they see? Francesca Birlogeanu wrote a short story in response to Hendrick Avercamps painting Winter Landscape with Ice Skaters

Esmé van den Boom: That’s How We Drink for Four Centuries

28 November 2023

Eighteen young Flemish and Dutch authors have taken inspiration from seventeenth-century artefacts from the Rijksmuseum. Looking at these objects, what eureka moments do they see?? In her poem Esmé van den Boom gives a voice to an early 17th-century roemer, a wine glass engraved with the words Sic

Daniëlle Zawadi: Gasping

28 November 2023

Eighteen young Flemish and Dutch authors have taken inspiration from seventeenth-century artefacts from the Rijksmuseum. Looking at these objects, what eureka moments do they see? Daniëlle Zawadi wrote a text in response to The Meeting of Odysseus and Nausicaa, a painting by Jacob Jordaens. Tell

Pieter Van de Walle: Boys Will Be Boys

20 November 2023

Eighteen young Flemish and Dutch authors have taken inspiration from seventeenth-century artefacts from the Rijksmuseum. Looking at these objects, what eureka moments do they see? In his short story, inspired by Pieter Lastmans painting Orestes and Pylades Disputing at the Altar, Pieter Van de Wa

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