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Cross-Border Cooperation in Education: Still More Barriers Than Benefits
26 September 2023
Making the most of the expertise and skills on the other side of the border. That is the desire of people in the education sector in The Netherlands and Flanders alike. But this wishful, border-breaking collaboration is struggling to get off the ground due to legal obstacles and governmental oversig
‘Strive for Quality Education, but Beware of Unrealistic Expectations’
18 September 2023
From systemic teacher shortages to declining language skills, education in Flanders and the Netherlands faces similar problems. So, what can they learn from each other? The low countries asked education specialists Pedro De Bruyckere and Erik Meester for their opinions. ‘Mastering something, achie
When Students Threw Cannons into the River
22 September 2021
Wherever too enthusiastic students gather, things can sometimes degenerate into inappropriate behaviour such as drunkenness and vandalism. Student pranks are not a modern phenomenon, says historian Jarrik Van der Biest. Moreover, the punishments for bad behaviour used to be much harsher.