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New Holocaust Museum Shows The Persecution Of Jews In Its True Colours

13 March 2024

Knowledge about the Holocaust and the role played by the Dutch in it is declining - especially among young people. High time, then, for the new National Holocaust Museum in Amsterdam. But what can this museum say that has not been said before by dozens of other Dutch museums and memorial sites conce

Etty Hillesum: a Life Interrupted, a Spirit Unperturbed

6 May 2020

In 1981, nearly forty years after she was killed in Auschwitz, Dutch Jewish Etty Hillesum found fame overnight after her diary entries were published in Het verstoorde leven (An Interrupted Life). Her diary notes, which she jotted down in occupied Amsterdam, are a testament to strong personal develo

The World Was Drinking and Whoring

20 April 2020

Can we view 1945 as the zero point of the world we live in today, 75 years later? Certainly, much for which a framework was created at the time from the welfare state to economic growth, from the moral manifestation of universal human rights to international alliances is under threat today.

75 Years Ago the Nazis Took Revenge on the Allies with the V1 and V2

9 October 2019

During the liberation at the beginning of September 1944, most Belgians thought the war would be over by the end of the year. They didnt realize that the Germans were still holding secret weapons: the V1 and V2 rockets. Exactly 75 years ago, on 13 October 1944, the first V1 fell on Antwerp. This

The Battle of Arnhem: An Unfortunate Bridge Too Far

17 September 2019

The Battle of Arnhem, which was fought from 17 to 25 September 1944, famously ended in failure for the Allied forces. On the contrary, for the German troops, the clash meant a final major military victory.

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