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In the Shadow of Holland’s Prosperity

12 October 2023

In the streets of Amsterdam or Rotterdam, one will see far fewer homeless people than in the streets of Paris or Brussels. However, Dutch cities also struggle with increasing poverty. For the first time in history, the country has even appointed a Minister for Poverty Policy. Behind the image of the

The Welfare State Should Be a State of Fairness and Trust

24 April 2020

After 1945, Belgium and the Netherlands rolled out a monumental social security system that brought prosperity and emancipation. It connected people and stabilised economic and political systems. In 2020, this welfare state has come under pressure. It no longer appears to be self-evident and it is c

FROM THE ARCHIVES: The Reform-Resistant Belgian Welfare State

17 April 2020

In Flanders, we're talking about lost objects. In the Netherlands, they were found. And what if in these corona times we turn that loss into finding? Consider our archives. Once in a while, I dig up a story from our archives that does not necessarily have anything to do with Covid-19, bu

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