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Harvest of the University Press (autumn 2023)
7 November 2023
Universities all over the world publish academic monographs and scientific journals on the Low Countries that deserve wider attention. In this article, we present you with a selection of recent university press publications in English.
What About the Truth?
15 June 2020
This year, the Month of Philosophy in Belgium and the Netherlands is dedicated to the concept of truth. The truth Is a complicated matter, according to editor-in-chief Luc Devoldere, who actually favours the idea of ‘truthfulness’. ‘If we are unable to live a life of truth, let us try and live
Latin Was the Only Truly European Language
13 November 2019
In the series Babel in the Low Countries, editor-in-chief Luc Devoldere contemplates the way we use language today, but just as easily delves into the past to consult with historical figures and writers who stand guard over language. In this article he examines the essential role Latin has played in