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  • jeroen olyslaegers (1)
  • Siel Verhanneman (1)

Right-Wing Populists in Tailored Suits Cannot Be Dealt with Using Hysteria and Clickbait

6 May 2019

Over the past year, Flanders and the Netherlands have become acquainted with a new kind of political phenomenon: sophisticated, well-cut, young intellectuals who are choosing a right-wing populist direction. If democracy wants to win the fight against these young men, then we should not shut them

Thierry Baudet’s Romantic Resistance to the Enlightenment

15 April 2019

Uproar in the Netherlands. Politician Thierry Baudet booked an unforeseen victory in the recent Provincial State Elections in the Netherlands. From nothing, his right-wing conservative Forum for Democracy became the biggest party in the country. Baudets conservative ideas fly in the face of the e

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