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Joost Oomen Celebrates Surrealism at European Poetry Festival Transpoesie

19 September 2024

Every year during the week of the European Day of Multilingualism, poets from all over Europe come to Brussels for the Transpoesie festival. They perform and their poems are displayed in public spaces, in their original language, as well as in Dutch, French, and English. This year's poetry festival

Dewi de Nijs Bik Represents the Dutch Language at European Poetry Festival Transpoesie

25 September 2023

Every year around 26 September, the European Day of Languages, Transpoesie invites poets from all over Europe to Brussels. Their poems are displayed in public spaces in their original language, with Dutch, French and English translations. This year, the European poetry festival is dedicated to femal

deBuren Selects Maxime Garcia Diaz for Transpoesie

22 September 2020

For 10 years poetry festival Transpoesie has celebrated language diversity, inspired by the European Day of Languages marked on the 26th of September every year. This years edition will include poets from 26 European countries and regions, sharing verses in their native languages, with translatio

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