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Hundred Years Dutch Studies Celebrated with Conference on the Low Countries
21 November 2019
Between 6 and 9 November close to 80 international scholars from both sides of the Atlantic met in London at the UCL Institute for Advanced Studies. They gathered for the 13th international conference of the Association for Low Countries Studies “Worlding the Low Countries”, marking the 100th an
Cees Nooteboom to Be Granted Honorary Doctorate by University College London
19 August 2019
Over the past years Cees Nooteboom was awarded honorary doctorates at universities in Brussels, Nijmegen and Berlin. On 3 September the Dutch poet, novelist and travel writer will be granted another one at the University College London (UCL).
A Triple First and More: the New English Translation of Multatuli’s Max Havelaar
21 May 2019
Max Havelaar, the classic novel by Multatuli about Dutch colonialism in Java, has a brand new English translation. Reinier Salverda, Honorary Professor of Dutch Language and Literature at University College London, reread what is perhaps the greatest Dutch novel of all and noticed many improvements.
Swallows and Floating Horses
25 March 2019
On Monday 11 March some forty people – lovers of literature and translation, students, staff and friends of the UCL Dutch Department - gathered in the Haldane Room of University College London for an evening of Frisian culture around the great new bilingual anthology Swallows and Floating Horses.