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Colonial Echoes. When Americans Spoke Dutch

22 January 2024

It is well-known that New York was once called New Amsterdam. But who knows that for centuries, a variant of the Dutch language was spoken in the eastern American states of New York and New Jersey? In his book De Tawl, historian Philip Dröge cycles along American roads in search of what remai

Oh America, Where Art Thou?

20 October 2020

After the Second World War, our admiration for America was at its height: progress and enlightened ideas set the tone for the entire western world. But the Low Countries love of the Land of the Free has gradually been coloured by sorrow and frustration. Or at least, this appears to be the case, b

How a Small Dutch Island Lay at the Cradle of the United States of America

29 August 2019

St. Eustatius, popularly known as Statia, is now a little known island in the Dutch Antilles, but it played an important role in Americas War of Independence. When war broke out in 1775, the islands merchants provided weapons to the rebelling American settlers, and thus made an important

Dutch Artists Are More Present Than Ever on American Fairs and Festivals

21 August 2019

The United States remains the second most popular foreign destination for artists from the Netherlands. In 2018 Dutch talent participated in 2,239 cultural activities in America. No less than 660 artists and artistic organisations showed their work there in 331 different cities. DutchCulture, the ne

The Inspirational Approach of Dutch Studies in the United States

8 July 2019

The crisis the neerlandistiek is currently facing in the Netherlands raises the question of how the study of the Dutch language and literature is doing at universities outside of the Low Countries. Can the neerlandistiek extra muros offer strategies to cope with the dramatic reduction of enrollment

Cultural Attaché Joost Taverne in New York: ‘The U.S. Is a Very Interesting Country in the Field of Art and Culture’

27 June 2019

The Cultural Attaché is a series of interviews by DutchCulture, the Dutch network and knowledge organisation for international cultural cooperation, with cultural attachés of the Netherlands. How do these attachés help Dutch art and culture? What were their expectations when they were posted abro

The Treaty of Versailles: Harbinger of Peace and Source of Frustration

26 June 2019

On 28 June 1918, exactly one hundred years ago, the treaty that would finally end World War I was signed in Versailles. That peace treaty would redraw the map of Europe. Belgium, which had suffered greatly during the war, left for Versailles with a heart full of hope, but was forced to leave nearly

Germany and the United States Are Top Destinations for Dutch Artists

23 May 2019

In 2018 Dutch artists participated in more than 15,000 cultural activities in 108 different countries. DutchCulture, the network and knowledge organisation for international cultural cooperation, identifies important trends.

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