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Warts, Alcoholic Noses And Weird Beards: ‘Turning Heads’ Is An Animated Viewing Adventure
18 December 2023
A gorgeous series of paintings, prints and drawings is featured in Turning Heads, the exhibition at the KMSKA in Antwerp that focuses on the genre of tronie art. This was in vogue in the seventeenth century, with influential 'head painters' such as Rembrandt, Rubens and Vermeer.
How Filmmakers Lose Themselves in the Gaze of Vermeer’s Elusive Girls
22 February 2023
The Oscar-nominated Girl with a Pearl Earring, the breakthrough film of a very young Isabelle Huppert and even a legendary, never-finished feature film by Salvador Dalí - many a filmmaker has been inspired by Vermeer's work. A story about the impossible love between master and maid.
Vermeer Through the Scanner: The Serene Painter Constantly Modified His Work
15 February 2023
At first glance, Johannes Vermeer was everything but impulsive. The lab research that preceded the Vermeer exhibition at the Rijksmuseum, however, shows that the artist constantly adjusted his compositions during the painting process.
200 Years Mauritshuis – An Eventful History
21 June 2022
You can admire Johannes Vermeer’s world-famous Girl with a Pearl Earring there, as well as masterpieces by Rembrandt, Rubens and Frans Hals. With its large collection of works from the Golden Age, Mauritshuis in The Hague has been one of the most important museums in the Netherlands for the last t
‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ Stood in Front of a Curtain
28 April 2020
An international team of scientists has brought us closer to Johannes Vermeer’ painting Girl with a Pearl Earring (c. 1665) than ever before. By employing multidisciplinary research, the team made discoveries about his brushwork, his use of pigments, and the way that he ‘built up’ this paintin