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Our Top Podcasts of the Year

19 December 2023

Join us in bidding goodbye to 2023 with the podcasts we have published this year on the fascinating history of the Low Countries. They are worth another listen. Sit down by the fireplace. Relax with a glass of wine and enjoy the stories.

This Is How Dutch Farmers Are Saving Water

6 April 2023

Texel is at the forefront of climate change: by 2050, the Wadden Island will be one of the driest places in the Netherlands. Local farmers are now combining ancient knowledge with innovative techniques to retain freshwater and prevent soil salinisation. Nature and agriculture may not always match

Dikes, Dams and Ditches: How the Low Countries Learnt to Deal With Water

26 January 2023

When the Netherlands and Belgium did not exist, people spoke of the Low Countries when referring to the area around the river deltas. Water has always played an essential role in the history of that region.

Nature Doesn’t Cause Disasters, People Do

7 September 2021

In her monthly column, cultural historian Lotte Jensen looks at current events through the lens of history. In the first episode, she recounts how she has seen the consequences of climate change with her own eyes. But what causes natural disasters? History leaves us in no doubt.

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