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10 Dutch (Graphic) Novels You Need to Read This Autumn (2019)

16 October 2019 1 min. reading time

Why not read a book by a Dutch or Flemish author this autumn? Here you will find a selection of great novels and graphic novels that recently have been translated into English, with the support of the Dutch Foundation for Literature or Flanders Literature. You’ll find more books in this database.


Author: Jeroen Olyslaegers
Translator: David Colmer
Publisher: Pushkin Press
Original title: Wil (De Bezige Bij, 2016)

Read the review in The Guardian.

The Pelican

Author: Martin Michael Driessen
Translator: Jonathan Reeder
Publisher: Amazon Publishing
Original title: De pelikaan (Van Oorschot, 2017)

Read our article about the opulent oeuvre of Martin Michael Driessen.

Mr. Miller

Author: Charles den Tex
Translator: Nancy Forest-Flier
Publisher: WorldEditions LLC
Original title: De macht van meneer Miller (De Geus, 2005)

Mona in three acts

Author: Griet Op de Beeck
Translator: Michele Hutchison
Publisher: Amazon Crossing
Original title: Kom hier dat ik u kus (Prometheus, 2014)

Childhood. Two novellas

Author: Gerard Reve
Translator: Sam Garrett
Publisher: Pushkin Press
Original title: De ondergang van de familie Boslowits; Werther Nieland (Van Oorschot, 1964)

Read our article about the work of Gerard Reve.

Taxi! Stories from the back seat

Author/illustrator: Aimée de Jongh
Publisher: Conundrum Press
Original title: Taxi! (Scratch!, 2019)

Us Two Together

Author/illustrator: Ephameron
Translator: Michele Hutchison
Publisher: Penn State University Press
Original title: Wij twee samen (Jospin, 2015)

Mad with joy

Author/illustrator: Joris Vermassen
Publisher: Fanfare
Original title: Het Zotte Geweld (Vrijdag, 2014)


Author/illustrator: Mark Bellido & Judith Vanistendael
Publisher: Selfmadehero
Original title: Mikel (De Bezige Bij, 2016)

Read our stories about the graphic novel in the Low Countries.

Tom Christiaens

editor the low countries and deputy editor-in-chief de lage landen


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