How can we help you?

Welcome to our helpdesk
We are eager to assist you as soon as possible

Browse this page, and you might find the answer to your question here! Still need help? Send us a message through our contact page. One of our staff members will assist you as soon as possible.

General information

  • How can I get in touch?

    Contacting the low countries is easy and can be done in several ways.

    We will ensure that one of our staff members gets back to you as quickly as possible.

  • Where are you located?

    the low countries is located in Rekkem, Belgium.

    Our address is:

    Murissonstraat 260
    8930 Rekkem

  • Can I support you financially?

    Certainly! the low countries can only grow with the support of many individuals and organisations that provide a financial boost.

    Would you also like to donate? Make sure to visit our donation page.

My account

  • How can I edit my account information?

    You can easily edit your account information.

    • Click on your name in the top right corner of the website (next to the shopping basket).
      If you can’t see your name, you are probably not logged in. Log in first, then proceed to step 2.
    • Click on the ‘My account’ page on ‘Account details’.
    • On this page you can change your name, email address and password.
    • Make sure to save your changes.
    • You can update your address information under ‘My account’/‘Addresses’.
  • Where can I find my invoices?

    You can find the invoices for all your orders in your account.

    Click on your name in the top right corner, then go to ‘Orders’. You can also download your invoices here.

  • I can’t log in to my account. What should I do?

    If you receive an error message when logging into your account, you can recover your password via the ‘Forgot your password?’ link. Aan email will be sent to the provided address.

    Note: Sometimes this email ends up in your spam folder! If you still can’t access your account, please contact one of our staff via our contact page.

  • I forgot my password

    You can set a new password through our password recovery process. After entering your email address during login, click on the ‘Forgot password’ link. We will immediately send you an email with instructions to create a new password. If you need further assistance, please contact us via the contact page.

    Tip: Check your spam folder for the password reset email.

  • I would like to unsubscribe from your newsletter

    Do you no longer wish to receive our newsletters? You can unsubscribe at any time.

    Click on the ‘Unsubscribe’ button at the bottom of the newsletter. This will remove your email address from our mailing list.


  • Can I pause my subscription?

    This is not possible. Our subscriptions have a standard duration of one year. During this period, your access to our online articles remains unchanged.

    You can choose not to renew your subscription after the standard duration.

  • Can I also order a gift voucher for a subscription?

    Certainly. We have several types of gift cards available in our online shop.

    • Would you like to gift a digital subscription? This gift card is perfect for that.
    • More to come
  • How can I cancel my subscription?

    Would you like to cancel your subscription? We’re sorry to see you go! But you undoubtedly have a good reason…

    Here’s how to cancel:

    • Go to your account by clicking on your name at the top of our website.
    • Click on ‘My subscription’.
    • You will see that your subscription is currently active. By clicking ‘cancel’, your subscription will be terminated.
    • Would you like to enjoy our cultural content again? You can easily reactivate your subscription in the same place.
  • Do you have a special subscription for students?

    Yes, the low countries offers an affordable digital subscription for students, with a 20% discount. Every student also receives a pair of trendy LOOP earplugs FREE so they can enjoy our quality content undisturbed. Read more about this here.

    You’re welcome!

  • Do you have a special subscription for teachers?

    the low countries offers an extra advantageous subscription for people working in education. You enjoy a 20% discount on your digital subscription.

    Read more about this here.

    You’re welcome!

  • Can I offer additional support to ‘the low countries’ through my subscription?

    In addition to our regular subscriptions, we also offer donor subscriptions. This subscription provides access to our digital platform.

    Additionally, you’ll be making an extra donation that benefits our non-profit organisation, helping the low countries grow and spread knowledge of our Flemish/Dutch culture.

    Tip: In Belgium, the donor subscription entitles you to a 45% tax certificate. A fine bonus!

    Discover our donor subscription here.

Ordering, shipping & delivery

  • When will I receive my order?

    Did you order physical products such as books?
    Your order will be processed immediately, and you should receive your products within a week of placing your order.

    Did you purchase a digital subscription?
    You will immediately gain access to all premium articles on the low countries right after your payment. Happy reading!

  • What should I do if I still haven’t received my order?

    If you haven’t received your order within a week, something probably went wrong. That’s certainly inconvenient.

    You can send a message to the low countries via our contact page. Someone from our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible to find a solution.

  • What payment methods can I use?

    Several options are available for completing your order. Safety is always our priority, so we only work with strictly controlled payment methods:

    • iDEAL
    • Credit cards such as VISA, MASTERCARD or AMERICAN EXPRESS
    • Bancontact
    • KBC/CBC payment button
    • Belfius Pay Button
  • What are the delivery costs of my order?

    The delivery cost of your physical order depends on the country from which you order. This will be automatically calculated and indicated during the payment process. You can check this under the ‘Shipping’ section.

  • Where can I find the general terms and conditions of ‘the low countries’?

    You can find our general terms and conditions here.


  • Can I sell your products in my (book)store?

    Absolutely. The more people we can reach with cultural context, the better.

    We are happy to discuss the possibilities. Please contact Gijsbrecht Ostyn.

  • Can I advertise on your website?

    Yes, you can.

    Many cultural organisations and private enterprises have already advertised with us. We are happy to work with you to achieve the best results for your brand or event.

    Please contact Gijsbrecht Ostyn.

  • Can we collaborate on content?

    the low countries is open to any kind of collaboration. Also for co-productions for a magazine or book.

    Contact the editors via our contact page.

Didn’t find what you were looking for?

Our staff is happy to assist you
Send us a message via the contact page

You can also call or email us:
+32 (0)56 41 12 01

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