
Thema - typen
Thema - auteurs
arts, literature

Naomi van Kleef: Give Me Your Teeth, Dear

Naomi van Kleef 2 min. reading time
arts, literature

L. J. De Brouwer: Girl Eating Oysters

L. J. De Brouwer 2 min. reading time
arts, literature

Helen Weeres: Barking Dogs

Helen Weeres 2 min. reading time

Series on arts

You teach? We give a discount!

Every day you guide young people and shape them into critical and nuanced citizens. Full of passion and dedication, you share your knowledge and stimulate their curiosity about language, history, literature or art. We have a lot of respect for that. We are therefore pleased to offer you a special educational subscription with a 20% discount.

You’re welcome.

information for teachers

Student life is expensive. That’s why we keep our prices extra low for you.

Catching a movie. Drinking a beer. Having a good time at a party. We realize that student life is not cheap. That is why you only pay € 32 for our digital student subscription. That’s a 20% discount!

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Thanks to your support, we can continue to report on cultural developments in the Netherlands and Flanders. Open and connecting. And always qualitative.

You choose how much and how often you give, once or monthly. But whatever you choose: we ensure that your gift is put to optimal use.

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