17 Dutch Books To Keep Warm This Winter (2023-2024)
Why not read a book by a Dutch or Flemish author? Here you will find a selection of books that recently have been translated or soon will be translated into English, most of them with support from the Dutch Foundation for Literature or Flanders Literature. You will find more translated literature in this database.

The History of My Sexuality
Author: Tobi Lakmaker
Translator: Kristen Gehrman
Publisher: Granta
Original title: De geschiedenis van mijn seksualiteit (Das Mag, 2021)
Author: Simone Atangana Bekono
Translator: Suzanne Heukensfeldt Jansen
Publisher: Serpent’s Tail
Original title: Confrontaties (Overamstel, 2020)

A Slippery Slope
Author: Toon Tellegen
Translator: Judith Wilkinson
Publisher: Shoestring Press
Original title: A selection of his poems from ‘Tot de winter er op volgt’ (Querido, 2021) and ‘Langs een helling’ (Querido, 2023)
Handbook for the Displaced
Author: Robin Block
Translator: David Colmer
Publisher: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia
Original title: Handleiding voor Ontheemden (Atlas Contact, 2023)
Author: Sasja Janssen
Translator: Michele Hutchison
Publisher: Prototype Publishing
Original title: Virgula (Querido, 2021)
Collected Works
Author: F. van Dixhoorn
Translator: Astrid Alben
Publisher: Broken Sleep Books
Original title: A selection of his poems

Dickie: Natural Born Loser
Author & Illustrator: Pieter de Poortere
Publisher: Fanfare
Original title: Boerke 1 (Glénat, 2011)

Authors & Illustrator: Annet Schaap
Translator: Laura Watkinson
Publisher: Pushkin Press
Original title: De meisjes (Querido, 2021)
The Overeager Egg
Author & Illustrator: Milja Praagman
Publisher: Boxer Books
Original title: Het eigenwijze ei (Leopold, 2022)
Terra Ultima
Author & Illustrator: Raoul Deleo
Translator: Michele Hutchison
Publisher: Big Picture Press/Bonniers
Original title: Terra Ultima (Lannoo, 2021)

The Housemates
Author: Teun Toebes
Translator: Laura Vroomen
Publisher: September Publishing
Original title: VerpleegThuis (De Arbeiderspers, 2021)
Three Bags of Ladies Clothes & a Sniper
Author: Jaap Scholten
Translator: Liz Waters
Publisher: Helena History Press
Original title: Drie zakken dameskleding, twee cakes Kyiv en een sniper (Atlas Contact, 2022)
Introduction to Medieval Europe 300-1500
Author: Wim Blockmans & Peter Hoppenbrouwers
Translator: Isola van den Hoven
Publisher: Routledge
Original title: Eeuwen des onderscheids (Prometheus, 2002)
The Voice of the People?
Author: Wim Blockmans
Translator: Michiel Horn
Publisher: Routledge
Original title: Medezeggenschap (Prometheus, 2020)

A History of Western Science
Author: Rienk Vermij
Translator: Liz Waters
Publisher: Routledge
Original title: Kleine geschiedenis van de wetenschap (Nieuwezijds, 2006)
The Fighter of Auschwitz
Author: Erik Brouwer
Translator: Leen Sanders
Publisher: Cassell
Original title: De bokser die levens redde in Auschwitz (Thomas Rap, 2023)
The Anxiety Project
Author: Daan Heerma van Voss
Translator: David Doherty
Publisher: MacLehose Press
Original title: De bange mens (Atlas Contact, 2021)