High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands

An Era of Early Globalisation. The 1960s in the Low Countries
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An Era of Early Globalisation. The 1960s in the Low Countries

(Geert Buelens) The Low Countries – 2017, № 25, pp.12-23

This is an article from our print archives

The 1960s can be seen as an early moment in post-war globalisation, but the Low Countries themselves performed rather awkwardly on the world stage. However, even when the economic crisis of the 1970s and 1980s hit hard, the movements of the Sixties kept the ideas of the period alive.There was plenty of narcissism and ego-tripping in the ‘Golden Sixties’, but this period also introduced a feeling of solidarity from which twenty-first century advocates of a new sense of community still have a great deal to learn.

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