High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands

Futile Scribbles in the Margins of History. The Literary Work of F. Springer
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Futile Scribbles in the Margins of History. The Literary Work of F. Springer

(Ad Zuiderent) THE LOW COUNTRIES - 2014, № 22, PP. 200-209

This is an article from our print archives

This Dutch diplomat (1932-2011) wrote eleven novels and three collections of stories and has always been considered a born story-teller. When asked what was the most important event of 1985, he answered: the commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Kurt Tucholsky and the discovery of a lost poem by Shakespeare. Tucholsky because he had known how to ridicule pomposity and Shakespeare because he handled what still makes us tick today: power, love, jealousy and desire. With an extract.

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