High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands

The Heart that Skips a Beat. Charlotte Mutsaers' Poetic Prose

The Heart that Skips a Beat. Charlotte Mutsaers' Poetic Prose

(Cyrille Offermans) The Low Countries - 1998, № 6, pp. 187-194

This is an article from our print archives

Charlotte Mutsaers is not one of those writers whose goal is a revolutionary new form at all costs, nor is her aim that of for instance Italo Calvino, to write a totally different book that bears no relation to previous books each time. On the contrary, each new book lends more structure to her work and develops her subject matter further. (with a translated extract from ‘Rachel's Skirt' by Charlotte Mutsaers).

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