High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands


High Road to Culture in Flanders and the Netherlands

An Ingenious ‘Exercice de Style’. ‘The Evenings’ by Gerard Reve
Gerard Reve 100

An Ingenious ‘Exercice de Style’. ‘The Evenings’ by Gerard Reve

(Paul Binding) The Low Countries - 2017, № 25, p. 297-298

This is an article from our print archives

It is astonishing that we have had to wait till 2016 for an English translation of Gerard Reve’s famous 1947 debut novel, The Evenings (De avonden). For not only does it mark the beginning of a literary career that blended critical admiration, moral controversy and popularity in about equal proportions, it is itself a work of palpable originality, with a distinctive atmosphere which caught the mood of a whole generation – and spoke to its successors.

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