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Dollhouse of Sara Rothé

6 February 2023 1 min. reading time Masterpieces From the CODART Canon

To mark the 25th anniversary of CODART, each month we introduce you to one of the hundred exceptional masterpieces of early modern Dutch and Flemish art (1350-1750) selected by museum curators from around the world for the CODART Canon. This time, all eyes are on The Dollhouse of Sara Ploos van Amstel-Rothé at the Frans Hals Museum in Haarlem.

The twelve rooms in this dollhouse, furnished by Sara Rothé of Amsterdam, provide us with an intimate glimpse into the rich life of the eighteenth century, complete in miniature. Behind the façade of this canal house, each room is decorated according to the fashion of the time. The fact that the designer used several older dollhouses to construct this one should not detract from our admiration.

As a source for the everyday life of the rich upper class in the eighteenth century, the piece is of inestimable value. For example, it still contains the very fragile textiles, paintings, glittering silver, and porcelain with which it was furnished. We can be sure that this dollhouse was never touched by children’s hands – which is why it has stood the test of time in such exceptionally good condition.

Yuri van der Linden, Curator of the State Collection, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands

website CODART Canon



CODART is the international network of curators of Dutch and Flemish art


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