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history, podcasts podcast

The Tulip: the Myth, the Mania and the Man

24 October 2023 1 min. reading time The Low Countries Radio

Listen to this podcast on Spotify

Why is the tulip a Dutch symbol even though this colourful flower comes from the Ottoman Empire? Why did owning tulip bulbs show your status and luxury in the 17th century? Why did a famous surgeon have his surname changed to Tulip? And to what economic disaster does Tulip Mania refer?

In this podcast, we dig up the bulbs of the past, trim the stems of historical myth and emerge with a lustrous vase of understanding as to where the tulip came from, how it came into vogue in the Dutch Republic and what place the flower holds today in the Netherlands.


Republic of Amsterdam Radio

Republic of Amsterdam Radio is a group of history nerds with a passion for telling stories, based in Amsterdam.


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